Steamclock Blog

Tales from the app development team at Steamclock.

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Our New Managing Director

Apr 29th, 2024 | Allen Pike • Steamclock

It’s easy to start a company, relatively speaking. What’s much harder is to build it into something that lasts.

3 min read

A NiceArchitecture for SwiftUI

Apr 5th, 2024 | Brendan Lensink • Releases

Since its introduction at WWDC in 2019, SwiftUI has powered an exciting step forward in building native UIs.

5 min read

Assembling The Feedback Wizard

Dec 20th, 2023 | Jenn Cooper • Development

Large Language Models (LLMs), like GPT-4, are great generalists.

8 min read

The Feedback Wizard

Aug 28th, 2023 | Erica Leong • Releases

Ever struggle with giving constructive feedback to a coworker, worried about how it’d land? Do you ever wish you could just open up your thoughts to someone – like Gandalf, if he were practiced at managerial coaching – and have them magic that feedback out of thin air?

1 min read

Case Study: Ridwell

Jul 24th, 2023 | Leia Kim • Case Studies

Ridwell has an admirable and ambitious vision — to make it as easy as possible to sustainably reuse and recycle your hard-to-recycle items.

30 sec read

Introducing: NiceComponents

Jan 30th, 2023 | Brendan Lensink • Releases

If you’re anything like us, you spend a lot of time thinking about and building UI.

1 min read

Walk the Line: iOS Account Deletion

Dec 14th, 2022 | Nick Wilkinson • Development

If you have a strong fear of rejection, developing apps might not be for you.

6 min read

The Good, the Bad, and the Fungible

Dec 2nd, 2022 | Brendan Lensink • Development

Early this year, it seemed like everywhere you turned people were hyping NFTs. I knew NFTs were having a moment when not only did the San Francisco 49ers release an NFT, but my mom started asking me what those ‘internet pictures’ were that everyone was so worked up about.

3 min read

It Shipped That Way

Nov 18th, 2022 | Erica Leong • Releases

Love learning what it takes to ship great products? Well, we have the show for you.

30 sec read

Release Radar: Ridwell

Oct 3rd, 2022 | Leia Kim • Releases

A lack of service and transparency is common when it comes to recycling. Single-stream recycling efforts in many cities come with a slew of problems, resulting in most recycled goods (25% by some sources) ending up in landfills. There’s also a lack of awareness among many consumers about what can be recycled and how, which leads to problems including warehouse fires.

2 min read

From the Lab: Exploring AR

Jun 10th, 2022 | Jake Miner • Development

Here at Steamclock, we spend a portion of our time each quarter deep diving into new technologies and potential product ideas that might be useful, interesting, and fun. This January, we decided it was time to dig in to augmented reality (AR) and what it can do.

6 min read

Setting Two Spies Free

Jun 8th, 2022 | Erica Leong • Releases

For a few years now, we’ve had fun helping our our sibling company Royal Pixel Service design and develop Two Spies. After a surprising run of accolades and over 800k downloads, the team has decided it’s time to put Two Spies into maintenance mode and focus on what’s next.

1 min read

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